Sunday, October 13, 2013

I am tapering right now

Preparation for a marathon is a combination of long runs, short runs, easy runs, fast runs, tempo runs and any other type of run that you can fit in your running. The body goes through a lot during these runs. But the mind is often disconnected from this state of the body. This is because the mind is constantly swimming in an endorphin rush that comes with all this running. If it was up to the mind, it would never stop running. But the body is not unbreakable. There is a need to balance the excitement of running with the need to recover from these runs. Tapering provides this balance.
Tapering is a process that allows the body to recover and the mind to rejuvenate. There are some that take tapering well, while there are others that have a hard time with it. Runners that love the taper enjoy the process. These runners will sleep longer, be lazier and eat more during the taper days. Runners that do not take taper well, are generally anxious about their upcoming race, scared about their potential performance and doubt their endurance.

I love the taper. I generally get some anxiety about my performance during these tapering days but its not enough to get me down. In general, I enjoy more sleep, more rest and more food after having pushed myself hard for months.

Tapering has a lot of benefits for you. Rest during a taper allows
  • the muscles to repair themselves and in the process become stronger than they were before they broke down
  • the immune system to recharge and strengthen
  • the glycogen (energy) stores to replenish 
  • the mind to rejuvenate.
Here is how you should plan to taper:
  • Sleep. Sleep longer and Sleep often.
  • Eat more carbohydrates. Pasta is the best but any other form of carbohydrates will do as well. 
  • If you cramp easy, eat saltier foods that are rich in carbohydrates.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • If you plan to run during the taper week, don't push hard. These runs should be easy runs and short runs. Give yourself as much rest as you can between runs. There is no hard and fast rule around the number of times you can run during this week. Listen to your body and whenever in doubt, Rest.
  • Be Lazy. This is the week when laziness is awesome.
I am tapering right now in preparation for the BayState Marathon on 10.20.13.

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