Sunday, September 22, 2013

What should you eat before sleeping, if you are running tomorrow morning?

If you are running tomorrow, you need to:
  • eat to have a good night sleep.
  • eat to repair all that you broke in your body, today.
  • eat to have energy as soon as you wake up tomorrow morning.
  • eat to enjoy your run tomorrow.
If you have have not eaten in the last 3 hours and you plan to sleep soon, you need to eat something before you sleep. If you do not eat, then you are forcing your body to starve while you pretend to sleep. Starving your body during sleep will make you have a disrupted sleep and a tired body, tomorrow morning. You are more likely to get injured during your run tomorrow than if you ran with a well rested body.

You need to eat two types of food right before sleeping:
  • food that will help you sleep
  • food that will give your body enough energy to repair itself, while you sleep
To help your body sleep, you need your body to produce a hormone called Melatonin. Eat food that boosts Melatonin.
To help your body to repair itself while sleeping,  you need to give it an energy source. Eat food that are rich in Carbohydrates.

Eat the right stuff and you can sleep happy

  • Fruits such as cherries, bananas  (promotes melatonin)
  • Low fat Pudding
  • Warm skim milk with grapes (promotes melatonin)
  • Oatmeal with skim milk (not the sugary kind) (promotes melatonin)
  • Granola Bar
  • Popcorn (also known as a form of super food)
  • Almonds, walnuts or any other type of heart healthy nuts

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